主题展厅立足于深圳本土语境,以两种全然不同的沉浸式空间体验营造,为观众提供一种浓缩版的都市体验。在两千万人聚居的深圳,在车水马龙的街道上和高密度的千庑万室间,都市丛林险象环生,个体方向感常常不知所踪。然而本雅明(Walter Benjamin)也曾说过,比起陌生的森林,在熟悉的城市里迷路可能需要更多学习。如果迷失是我们每个人终将习得的城市体感,那么享受迷途、探索未知或是另一种在城市里找到个体坐标的路径。邀请观众一道短暂别过现实世界,在回溯中漫步深圳都市尘封往事和人文景观,在沉浸的想象里构筑未来共生图景。
Based on the local context of Shenzhen, the thematic exhibition hall provides a condensed version of the urban experience with two completely different immersive spatial experiences. In Shenzhen, a city of 20 million people, the urban jungle is a treacherous place where the individual's sense of direction is often lost in the streets and high-density rooms. However, Walter Benjamin once said that getting lost in a familiar city may require more learning than getting lost in an unfamiliar forest. If getting lost is a sense of the city that we will eventually acquire, then enjoying the lost and exploring the unknown may be another way to find one's own coordinates in the city. The audience is invited to take a short break from the real world, walk through the dusty past and humanistic landscapes of Shenzhen city in retrospect, and construct a picture of future symbiosis in immersive imagination.
地点:南山区深圳湾超级总部基地白石三道深圳湾睿印RAIL IN
主办:深圳湾睿印RAIL IN
Location:Shenzhen Bay RAIL IN, Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarter, Bai Shi San Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Organizer:Shenzhen Bay RAIL IN
Production: LEZAO